Join the Dots and Herdify webinar – register now In today's challenging landscape, where charity budgets are shrinking and traditional marketing methods are becoming increasingly costly, standing out is more critical than ever. With all...

In eu mi vel ante rutrum aliquam. Vivamus facilisis laoreet massa, eu ultricies urna. In tristique vehicula eros eu vestibulum. Morbi convallis interdum nulla. Ut vulputate porttitor neque ac ornare. Curabitur dolor tellus, egestas eget viverra eu, interdum vitae elit.
Join the Dots and Herdify webinar – register now In today's challenging landscape, where charity budgets are shrinking and traditional marketing methods are becoming increasingly costly, standing out is more critical than ever. With all...
Jess Coombs Jess has joined us in August 2023, bringing in over 15 years of experience in the print media industry! Not only is Jess a fountain of wisdom, but her kindness and enthusiasm makes her a fantastic fit to the Join the Dots...
Courteney Dowling Morning I like to start my day by either going to the gym or listening to music; I find doing either of these puts me in a good headspace, and I must have an extra strong coffee before 9am. Once I have logged in, I will...
Having launched on January 27th, 2022, we felt it right to take some time to reflect on the past year here at Join the Dots: "Self-reflection entails asking yourself questions about your values, assessing your strengths and failures,...
2022 has been good to us here at Join the Dots. Having launched in late January, we felt it right to give YOU an insight into how we've worked and thrived these past months. Feel free to download our report below if you're curious as to...
Our own growth account director, Lotte Buckley has kindly shared her experience and insight below. Take in everything she says, it's gold dust. I’ve worked in the NFP sector for 16 years and during that time have helped many charities...
Gen-Z working in print during a digital age – a perspective on the industry from a creator rather than a consumer. After some research, I found that I fall into the Generation ‘Z’ socialisation, whereby I differ from the millennial having...
Creative Futures - The Drum x Canon The misconception of the print industry declining is something we, at Join the Dots, feel needs to be perceived in a different light. Print has endless potential, and it seems that the rise of...
Lotte Buckley Tell us a little bit more about your role... I am a Growth Account Director here at Join the Dots and specialise in Fundraising in the not-for-profit sector. I am passionate about helping clients maximise their Fundraising...
Access to such a vast amount of information allows us to learn about anything – from cooking, to art, to sports, the world is filled with enriching content. However, the extent of content can be overwhelming. Sometimes we come across...