What is the best way to introduce you to Join the Dots, a brand-new media agency with a refreshing approach to their clients? By getting all the detail and behind the scenes info direct from the visionaries behind the brand, of course!...

In eu mi vel ante rutrum aliquam. Vivamus facilisis laoreet massa, eu ultricies urna. In tristique vehicula eros eu vestibulum. Morbi convallis interdum nulla. Ut vulputate porttitor neque ac ornare. Curabitur dolor tellus, egestas eget viverra eu, interdum vitae elit.
What is the best way to introduce you to Join the Dots, a brand-new media agency with a refreshing approach to their clients? By getting all the detail and behind the scenes info direct from the visionaries behind the brand, of course!...
Following the sale of the customer data specialist business, Edit, to The Salocin Group in November 2021, Edit’s media team has been relaunched as a stand-alone media agency named Join the Dots. This is part of a series of moves to...
Homemover data is one of the most significant opportunities for brands to win new customers right now. Research suggests that the value homemovers present to the economy is in excess of £10 billion a year, over and above house prices. The...
Despite the pandemic seeing many companies cutting down their marketing spend, our Join the Dots is attracting new business with data-led print marketing and consultancy. Since August 2020, we’ve landed contracts with 19 brands and...