
Concern: Generating new donors for Concern Worldwide

25 January 2022

Challenge :​

Concern had refined how they were positioning their cash appeal ask. They were showcasing the work they do providing business grants for women in third world countries to enable them to work their way out of poverty.  The charity has a heritage in Northern Ireland and the challenge was to recruit new donors from this territory as part of their programme of fundraising. 


We used TGI to create a defined audience who were passionate about third world causes and were similar to the typical Concern donor, but younger in age. We then profiled the postcode sectors in NI to see which indexed most highly and ran a door drop campaign using a compelling mail pack.


Owing to the tightly defined audience targeting potential new donors, 80% of the donations generated by the door drop campaign  were from new donors. The campaign also over-delivered significantly versus forecast which was based on previous results.


Concern were able to grow their donor base and in the longer term generate a positive ROI from those who opted in to future communication with the charity. 

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