Nathan Rose
Nathan joined the team in May 2022 after working supplier side for over 12 years. Working remotely across the other side of the country in Essex, Nathan is regularly out and about forming new relationships and brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in all things data-led media planning. Here Nathan shares what a ‘typical’ day in his home office looks like…

Tell us a little bit more about your role…
I’m responsible for the New Business strategy for Join the Dots and the ways that we engage new brands to work with. My team and I formulate marketing and engagement strategies so that we can talk with like minded brands and start to help them solve their customer acquisition pain points.
You’ll mostly find me chatting on the phone or out at events, keeping an eye on with what’s changing and developing in the industry.
I’m fuelled by caffeine so the 1st thing I do every morning is grab a coffee. I’m a father to a 2-year-old (at time of writing), so no lay-ins, I then take my dog Winston for a walk, come rain and shine and get ready to start the day.
Before I dive into the email inbox, most mornings I start by checking industry news and LinkedIn to see if there is anything interesting or that the team should be aware of. I then check in with our managing partner Ben for a debrief on the previous day and catch up with the rest of the Growth team on how they are getting on.
I make a conscious effort to switch off every lunch time and get away from my desk. Again, this usually means some fresh air walking the dog and listening to some podcasts. I try and avoid the TV as I often find it difficult to pull myself away.
Afternoons tend to be when I schedule most of my calls with clients and partners. If I’m not out in meetings, I’ll be engrossed in Teams calls, discussing media strategies and KPI’s with a host of interesting and different brands and charities.
Again, the coffee machine will be in full flow and I’ll always make some time to write up the notes from my calls and send follow ups.
In the evenings, I spend as much time as I can with my family. Working remotely means that as soon as I switch off, I’m downstairs for family time. Hearing about what my daughter has been up to at nursery and then entertaining her before bedtime rolls around. Once the little one is in bed I usually curl up in front of some trashy TV until I inevitably fall asleep!

Rainy lunchtimes

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