Lotte Buckley

Tell us a little bit more about your role…
I am a Growth Account Director here at Join the Dots and specialise in Fundraising in the not-for-profit sector. I am passionate about helping clients maximise their Fundraising income through understanding and getting value from their data.
At Join the Dots I am responsible for seeking new opportunities and ensuring clients are supported in achieving their marketing goals. Becoming an extension of the Fundraising teams and taking care to understand what it is each client is aiming to achieve is my focus.
I’m woken up early by my cavapoochon Poch wondering when we are going for a walk so that’s always the first task of the day. This is followed by breakfast, a cuppa and a quick look through social media to see what’s going on in the world.
I then plan my day by making a list the old-fashioned way using a pad and pen. There is nothing more satisfying than manually ticking things off throughout the day.
Mornings tend to involve lots of catching up with clients and replying to emails, so they usually whizz by.
I like to get some fresh air at lunchtime. Being based in the city centre means I’m able to easily meet up with friends for a quick natter which is nice. I then come back refreshed and ready for the afternoon…
After lunch tends to be the best time for me to do more involved work such as scoping or reading through tenders and proposals – always with a cuppa and something sweet. If I’m in the office my commute takes about an hour so I like to spend that time listening to a podcast – I’m enjoying The Diary of a CEO series at the moment.
Another walk for Poch followed by a boot camp or circuits class for me to unwind. I love cooking but don’t tend to have time in the week so I’ll batch cook at the weekend to make life easier and ensure I’m eating well. I then have a bath (yes, I do this EVERY night) and settle down to some Netflix or a good book.


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